Wednesday, March 30, 2011

HonestReporting: Reuters Redefines Terror Attack

A week ago I got an email from HonestReporting.  I normally dispose of these emails just as quickly as they come in.  However, this time the subject caught my eye: "Reuters Redefines Terror Attack." The piece goes through many different reports of the bus bomb last week and shows their bias against Israel. They really hit the nail on the head.  Check it out for yourself

HonestReporting is a critical check on the media.  It's mission is to make counter the bias against Israel.  We spoke of the media's role as a watchdog over government.  But what happens when the media does something wrong?  What happens when the media has an unfair bias? That's where HonestReporting comes in, at least with regard to Israel, and serves as the watchdog of the media.  Many blogs also serve as a check on the media, as they note what the media has left out and what they have reported incorrectly.  It is the citizen's responsibility to maintain this crucial check on the media.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Is it a "Terrorist" Attack or Not?

We all know that there is a bias against Israel in the press.  But over these last few weeks that bias has been made crystal clear, first with the Fogels and now with the bus stop bombing in Jerusalem.  I was reading a bunch of articles on various sights today and they all had one thing in common: they all lacked calling the attack outright a terrorist attack.  Some of the news sights, USAToday blog, mentioned that the Israeli police called it a "terrorist attack," but this does not make the cut.  These news reports do not call it a terrorist attack themselves.  They just quote the police, as if to say we don't agree, but this is what they are calling it.  Other sights neglect to call it anything but an attack or a strike.  There is no mention of terrorism at all in the NYTimes article or the article on the LATimes blog. I understand the journalists want to have their facts right before they report them.  But in such a case, where it is SO clear that this attack was by the hands of terrorists, such reasoning does not work.  Bias is the only possibility here.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bachmann May Be Right..... Or Not

On Wednesday we spoke about Rep. Michele Bachmann's slip of the tongue when she said that the first shot at Lexington and Concord was heard in New Hampshire.  OOPS!

According to the media, "oops" is right, as they slammed her for making the mistake. Politico ran an article titled "Michele Bachmann fails political geography 101." opened their story by stating that she "moved the Battle of Lexington and Concord 50 miles north of Massachusetts to New Hampshire..." The ran a story titled "For Bachmann, a pattern of getting facts wrong." 

After these articles made a splash all over the web, Bachmann acknowledged her mistake and said that she wasn't shocked that she got ripped apart, because everyone knows the media is liberal and biased.  After all, she noted that no one picked up on Obama mistaking the US of having over 50 states during his campaign.

I wasn't familiar with Obama's mistake, or Bachmann's for that matter, until it was brought up in class.  Without doing any research on the issue, I agreed with Bachmann's accusation.  I pointed to the fact that the news ate up Bush trying to open the wrong door on his visit to China, as proof of her argument.  If Bush's mistake, which had nothing to do with US history or geography, made it to the front page and above the fold, shouldn't Obama's mistake get some news coverage?

Well, a simple search online proves me wrong.  Firstly, Bachmann's mistake seems to have only been reported on blogs, not in newspapers.  Secondly, Obama's mistake was also reported on by many blogs.  It does seem that Bachmann's mistake was reported on by more upstanding blogs, but reporting is reporting....

 On a separate note, The Huffington Post made a funny crack at her mistake.  Bachmann is a mother to 5 and foster mother to 23 and is a strong believer in homeschooling.  The Huffington Post is worried that now 28 children believe the Battle of Lexington and Concord happened in New Hampshire...

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Power of CNN

Last class we spoke about the CNN Effect and we watched a CNN advertisement.  I did a little bit of research and found a great advertisement that CNN put out for their 25th year.  It really captures the "power of CNN" and takes us through the history of CNN.  Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Airing Their Dirty Laundry

Just last week an entire article was written about the 2012 presidential hopefuls. 

Was it about their views on abortion? No
Was it about their position on military spending? No
Was it about their opinion on health care? No

Rather, it was about their dirty laundry.  How shocking!  The article went through each potential candidate and listed scandals related to each one.  It almost made it seem that you can't be a presidential hopeful unless you have a skeleton hiding in your closet!

After reading this article, I'm extremely hopeful that whoever is next in line for the presidency will have some exciting scandal to his/her name! 

Check out the article and let me know what you think!